Episode 41
MATT BEAUDREAU | Building What We Need to Build
Matt Beaudreau is an entrepreneur, public speaker, consultant, educator, podcast host, and founder of Acton Academy Placer and Apogee Training in Northern California.
Acton Academy is a charter school based on Socratic dialogue that emphasizes real world results and outcomes over test scores. And Apogee Training is an online mentorship program to help boys become good at being men, led by some of the finest examples of masculinity today, like Ryan Michler and Jack Donovan.
In 2020 the joke became “hope is a four-letter word.” But hearing Matt talk about the results that kids achieve in his programs, it’s hard not to feel a twinge of that old familiar feeling.
In our conversation we discussed:
- His background, and how a long journey through higher education and public school as both an administrator and educator led him to discover Acton and make it his mission
- The hidden past and likely future of education, so parents can be prepared for what's to come by knowing what was written decades ago
- Matt's origin story, family values, and relationship to his Christian faith, and how they all inspire and inform his life and work
- And finally, some truly mind-blowing stories about what students in his programs accomplish
To that final point I need to emphasize: it's not easy to blow my mind, to rewire my paradigms about what's possible.
In some ways as kids I think we all suffered under the tyranny of reduced expectations. We can't change that fact now. What happens when we crank up the expectations for our kids?
What Matt has to say about that will blow your mind too.
Follow Matt on Instagram and Twitter
Essential 11 Podcast on iTunes and Spotify
"Simply Christian" by NT Wright
I've partnered with Derek Arellano of Volition Training to create a new fitness transformation program exclusively for Renaissance of Men Listeners:
Volition Renaissance
It's a 12-week, all-encompassing program to create your physical rebirth, from two men passionate about masculine personal development, and physical prowess.
It includes not just technological support, customization, and weekly check-ins, but a direct line to former Top-10 US Bodybuilder Derek Arellano.
Visit: https://volitiontraining.com/renofmen to learn more, and sign up today.
Check out my website at https://renofmen.com
Connect with us on Instagram and Twitter.
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